Become a Provider
We are currently at capacity for our provider needs, however if you are interested in becoming part of the Flatwater provider network, complete the form below and we’ll notify when our needs change. We appreciate your interest in our Program.
Become a Provider
To be an active part of the Flatwater network, providers are required to:
Have a signed, written Business Associate Agreement with Flatwater
Complete HIPAA and Texas Privacy and Security Law training provided by Flatwater
Have all documents and practices in place for HIPAA and Texas Privacy and Security Law compliance
Have an active professional liability insurance policy (copy on file, with annual updated policy provided)
Have an active license in the state of Texas as regulated by the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council (active verification on file, with updated verification provided upon renewal)
Have a current W-9 on file
Have a current and up-to-date provider profile in Flatwater platform (RIPL)
Log appointments for services rendered on a regular basis
Invoice for services submitted monthly (for services provided in preceding month)
Attend annual provider meeting (held in late winter/early spring)
PLEASE NOTE: We are currently at capacity with providers, however we are happy to hear from those interested in joining our network. Please check back for updates as we will gladly interview new providers when our needs change.