Equine Assisted Counseling (EAC), also called Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP), is a form of counseling that incorporates horses within a therapeutic environment supporting emotional growth and healing.
In an effort to touch more lives and further expand the supportive services that Flatwater provides access to, Flatwater is proud to support family and individual Equine Assisted Counseling (EAC) sessions. These sessions offer the opportunity for healing in an alternative format than traditional “talk” therapy. EAC is considered an experiential (learn by doing) type of therapy where insights are discovered in real time while engaging with a horse.
“talk” therapy Alternative
Equine Assisted Counseling (EAC), also called Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP), is a form of counseling that incorporates horses within a therapeutic environment supporting emotional growth and healing. Licensed therapists and equine professionals work together with clients and horses to address and collaborate on treatment goals. Sessions are guided by a “hands on” (or experiential) model. In other words, participants learn about themselves naturally through horse-related activities and interactions, and then discuss any thoughts, feelings, body sensations, or behavior and relational patterns that arise.
Hands-on model
Why Horses?
Horses only have the ability to live in the present. They do not have the ability to worry about the future or the past. They are non-judgmental beings who like to connect with humans who are authentic, congruent, and regulated. Horses have the ability to teach us how to have healthy relationships with ourselves and others that are safe, attuned, and connected. The relationship principles that are used when connecting to a horse are the same as when connecting to a human. In many cases, clients feel safer connecting with a horse prior to connecting with a human after experiencing trauma when relearning how to have healthy relationships.

What does Eac Address?
Healing from trauma
Grief & loss
The role of trust in forming new relationships or repairing conflicts in relationships
Self-awareness and self-reflection
Personal growth and life skill development
Leadership and effective communication skills
How to objectively reflect on patterns of behavior and understand how these behaviors impact other areas of your life
OTHER Services
Flatwater also offers Psychotherapy or “Talk” Therapy to help cancer survivors and their loved ones find the strength to meet the challenges of a cancer diagnosis.