Flatwater Challenge: SUP 11 City Tour

In 2015 Flatwater took a group of seven brave souls to participate in the SUP 11 City Tour. Huffington Post has this grueling five day challenge as one of the Top 10 Toughest Endurance Races in the world. It’s surely the longest SUP race in existence, and it follows the Friesland Canals throughout all of Northern Holland. The event takes place over 5 days, and it is similar to paddling a marathon a day for 5 days in a row. Team Flatwater successfully made the journey, blisters, pain, and all! With the support of many, the group of seven paddlers raised over $80,000 for Flatwater!

Our very talented friend, Greg Fulks, documented our journey. To get a sense of what our time in Friesland was like, we invite you to watch our video!


Flatwater Challenge: Iceland